In one of my earlier classes, Digital Imaging, we had to design both a print magazine ad and a Web banner ad promoting an event or new product rollout. We were given a client scenario, which I have referenced below. Once I chose the main topic for the ad, I had to choose the typography, color scheme, and imagery that would successfully convey the visual message of the ad, while also complementing the client’s existing branding style. For a cohesive campaign I then adapted the content of the print ad to a simple Web banner ad (not included). We were encouraged to use our own photography in creating the ads rather than stock photography so most of the images used were my own.
The prompt was the following: ‘Amethyst Bay Resort & Spa, located on the Caribbean Island of St. Thomas, is a new resort that has only been in operation for six months. Amethyst Bay is looking for a way to reach out to potential clientele who have either not traveled to St. Thomas before or who have previously stayed in other hotels or resorts on the island.’
I chose to target both couples and individuals who enjoyed both relaxation and adventure for a great bargain. I came up with a slogan that doubled as a way to introduce the product (5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Go to Amethyst Bay Resort and Spa). Each number represents a part of the deal being offered. My goal was to showcase the client’s new package deal for staying at their resort so I wanted pictures that went along with that and included one for every piece of the slogan. In using the shape of the sideways triangle and the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 slogan, my goal was to elicit a behavioral-type effect (the act of going). The crystals in the corners act as pointers to tell the viewer to focus inward on the ad. Many of the pictures I chose are from the point of view of the people in the photographs and with this I aimed to entice the viewer into seeing themselves at the resort, enjoying a beach day, a night out with champagne, on an excursion, etc.