
Capturing a landscape photo of a jetty adorned with a prominent “Danger Keep Off Jetty” sign conveyed a powerful visual message of caution within a serene natural setting. The comparison of the tranquil scene with the stark warning sign created a compelling narrative, illustrating the importance of safety in natural environments. This photo demonstrated my ability to tell a story through visual composition, engaging viewers with a thought-provoking image.

Capturing the essence of Round Falls in a photograph allowed me to freeze the beauty and majesty of this natural wonder, showcasing its stunning features and highlighting its natural allure. This image serves as a visual testament to the captivating and tranquil qualities of Round Falls, inviting viewers to appreciate the marvels of nature through the lens of my photography.

Creating this portrait photo allowed me to demonstrate my evolving software and digital tool skills developed during my design education. I effectively used Adobe Photoshop and a digital camera to capture the musician’s passion and the intricate details of his guitar, though I aim to refine my post-processing techniques further. Employing design principles such as balance and emphasis, my work habits showed dedication to capturing the subject’s essence, and constructive criticism played a pivotal role in my growth as a photographer, emphasizing my openness to feedback.

In capturing a photograph of a gentleman selling his food to a customer, I aimed to encapsulate the essence of this transaction, highlighting the interplay of commerce and personal interaction within the realm of culinary artistry.

In capturing a photograph of a graffiti alley in Baltimore, MD, I sought to preserve the dynamic urban art scene of this city, embracing the vibrant and ever-changing expressions of street artists in a single, captivating image.

In taking a landscape photograph of the yellow and white flowers, I aimed to capture the beauty and serenity of nature, highlighting the vivid contrast between the vibrant blossoms and the surrounding landscape in a single, captivating image.